Sunday, October 24, 2010


27 mths old hand vs ..... adult hand

Yes! I'm happier than her.
Because this is one of the 2 situations she'll want me to carry her.

situation 1: look for mommy
situation 2: go on a carousel (she'll come to me with arms open) =)

USA Visa
[Singaporean doesn't require visa entry to States. Mine is an exceptional case]

I was very delighted upon seeing the Expiration Date is 10 years later!
Within minutes, I felt uneasy. Took a 2nd look and the no. of Entries is indicated as ' 1 '.
Yes, I should have known. There isn't such a good deal...

Planning: 6 months
Application: 6 weeks
Web info: numberous hours 
ID photo shop: 3 trips
Embassy: 3 trips
Bank: 1 trip
Post Office: 1 'wasted' trip
Fees: SGD 221
[included 4 pcs of US visa ID photo @ $20]

Went through these hassle in exchange for 2 questions posted by Cheyenne.

1) On the day of our arrival, bro n family picked us up at LAX. Grandma carried Cheyenne and she asked: 'Where's 姑姑?'
I was in the washroom.

2) On  the day of our departure, only bro sent us to the airport. He reached home and Cheyenne asked: 'Where's 姑姑?'
Bro says: 姑姑 went back Singapore...

After hearing these, all efforts are worth it and I sustained my No. 3 position. Yeah!! Love Cheyenne! Muacks!!

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